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5 Children

Christie is a fifth-year homeschooling mother to five whose ages span from toddler to teenager. Christie and Derrek have been married for 15 years, and they reside on a peaceful stretch of property in the Midwest. Homeschooling was always in Christie's heart, but she struggled with feeling adequate to provide the education she felt her children deserved. After three years of public school, she leaned into that still small voice, took a leap of faith, and pulled her two oldest kids from the local elementary school. It has been five years since that life-altering decision, and they haven't looked back!

Homeschooling to Christie is more than just a mere method or curriculum; it's in the every-day connections we make as mothers and fathers with our children. She realized early on in her journey that the real learning and internalizing happened outside blocks of text, and thrived in conversation, connection, and play. Christie's desire is that every mother sees just how capable they truly are - with God's direction, and a community of support, she believes anyone can answer the call of homeschool boldly and confidently.


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